Our member organizations offer support for people with epilepsy, caregivers of people with epilepsy and in some
cases, siblings of people with epilepsy.

Why a support group?

Epilepsy is a hidden disorder. Despite how common it is fear and stigma exist. It’s easy to feel isolated and alone.
Members of support groups share experience, engage in advocacy, provide information and help each other. A support
group can provide a safe space to talk about the impact of epilepsy and seizures and how to overcome those


VIRTUAL SUPPORT GROUPS – participate from home
Some of our member organizations have VIRTUAL GROUPS available and OPEN to people across the country.
EXPLORE the Virtual Groups Available and how to join.
Virtual Groups

Several of our member organizations have INPERSON support groups available. Please check the options for the organization
closest to you by clicking on their logo below. The support group might meet in-person or virtually.

Virtual Support Groups Available

If you prefer a virtual support group, or you can’t find an in-person option that works for you, explore the opportunities at our member organizations.  See the table below for opportunities available.

Virtual Support Groups:  Registration is required for these groups. 

Typical Meet Day Time Audience How to Find Out More Additional Information
Last Monday of the Month 6:30 pm
Eastern Time
Parents of People with Epilepsy https://www.epilepsy-ohio.org/programs-services/support-groups/adults/ Hosted by Epilepsy Alliance Ohio: Contact Karen Brown (kbrown@epilepsy-ohio.org) for registration information.
Quarterly - January, April, July, October - Third Tuesday 7:00 pm
Eastern Time
People with epilepsy https://scepilepsy.org/ Hosted by South Carolina Advocates for Epilepsy. Quarterly meetings. Contact Karen (karen@scepilepsy.org) for registration information.
Quarterly - January, April, July, October - Second Thursday 7:00 pm
Eastern Time
Caregivers of individuals with epilepsy https://scepilepsy.org/ Hosted by South Carolina Advocates for Epilepsy. Quarterly meetings. Contact Karen (karen@scepilepsy.org) for registration information.
First Wednesday of every month 6:00 pm
Eastern Time
People with Epilepsy https://www.epilepsy-ohio.org/programs-services/support-groups/adults/ Hosted by Epilepsy Alliance Ohio: Contact Patty Trotta (patty.trotta@epilepsy-ohio.org) for registration information.
Every Wednesday 6:00 pm
Eastern Time
People with Epilepsy - 18+ years old https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Online-Seizure-Self-Management-Program---Begins-April-5th.html?soid=1102336366117&aid=Dhew2GHF19s SMART is a free, online program for adults with epilepsy. The group meets weekly for 8 weekly sessions. Contact Jordan Hinds (jhinds@eawcp.org) for information. This Self Management program is hosted by Epilepsy Association of Western and Central PA
First Thursday of the Month 6:00 pm
Eastern Time
Parents & Caregivers of People with Epilepsy https://www.valleychildrens.org/epilepsy-support-program/epilepsy-support-groups Hosted by Valley Children's Healthcare; Contact Caitlin Bernard-Vincent (epilepsysupport@valleychildrens.org) for registration information.
First Tuesday of the Month 7:15 pm
Pacific Time
People with Epilepsy - Teens and Young Adults https://www.valleychildrens.org/epilepsy-support-program/epilepsy-support-groups Hosted by Valley Children's Healthcare; Contact Caitlin Bernard-Vincent (epilepsysupport@valleychildrens.org) for registration information.
First Tuesday of the Month 6:30 pm
Pacific Time
People with Epilepsy & Caregivers https://epilepsyadvocacynetwork.org/supportgroups/ Hosted by Epilepsy Advocacy Network: Contact Erika Fleck (erika@epilepsyadvocacynetwork.org) for registration information.
Second & Fourth Thursday of the month 6:30 pm
Eastern Time
People with Epilepsy - Adults https://eawcp.org/Module/Calendar/UpcomingEvents Hosted by Epilepsy Association of Western and Central PA; Registration is Required. Contact Andrea Zonneveld (azonneveld@eawcp.org) for information.
Third Thursday of the Month 6:00 pm
Eastern Time
People with Epilepsy & Caregivers https://www.epilepsy-ohio.org/programs-services/support-groups/adults/ Hosted by Epilepsy Alliance Ohio: Contact Patty Trotta (patty.trotta@epilepsy-ohio.org) for registration information.
Third Thursday of the Month 6:00 pm
Central Time
All https://epilepsylouisiana.org/support-groups/ Hosted by Epilepsy Alliance Louisiana: Contact Stephanie Charles (stephanie.c@epilepsylouisian.org) for registration information.
To be Scheduled
People with Epilepsy - Transition Age SMART is a free, online program. Epilepsy Alliance Ohio will be starting a new 8 week session in September for people with epilepsy. Contact Karen Brown (kbrown@epilepsy-ohio.org) for registration information