DONATE to Epilepsy Alliance America

About Epilepsy Alliance America
Epilepsy Alliance America is a non-profit organization
Our Tax ID number (EIN) is:  83-1218385


Create a Fundraiser on Facebook!  Ask your family and friends to support Epilepsy Alliance America via a Facebook Fundraiser!

Donate Online via PayPal

CHECKS should be made payable to Epilepsy Alliance America
Checks can be mailed directly to our Finance Office:

Epilepsy Alliance America
c/o Karen Egozi, Finance Chair
7300 N Kendall Drive
Suite 760
Miami, FL  33156

Epilepsy Alliance America accepts gifts made through donor-advised funds.   You can recommend a grant directly through your fund administrator.   You can also set up a recurring grant to Epilepsy Alliance America from your donor-advised fund to increase your impact into the future.

Online gifts to Epilepsy Alliance America will be receipted immediately.
Gifts made via check will be acknowledged as soon as possible.

If you have a questions about a gift please contact Lisa Gallipoli at